Write @ WLRC
December 5, 2022
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Zoom only
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Aerial view of pencils, notebooks, papers, and a laptop on a desk. At the top is the event title, Write@WLRC, in white block letters. Below that, on a purple-blue gradient background, is white text describing the event (the same as the text on this page).
* New Finals Week dates added! *
Are you working on an article, dissertation, or class project?
Want to (re)establish a writing routine with a supportive community?
Write @ WLRC is here for you!
UIC graduate students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us at WLRC's quiet, self-guided writing space during finals week!
- Monday, December 5 to Thursday, December 8, 2022 - VIRTUAL
- Friday, December 9, 2022 - VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON
- 10am - 2pm CT
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Drop in at any time and stay for as long as your schedule allows.
Register once and you'll receive access to all in-person and virtual weekly sessions for the semester.
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Accessibility and Food Info:
- Masks are required for in-person attendees.
- Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and individually wrapped snacks will be available for in-person attendees. Food may not be eaten inside the WLRC suite but can be eaten in the building's indoor courtyards.
- Building and suite accessibility info is available on our website.
Please contact us with any questions or access requests: wlrc@uic.edu or (312) 413-1025.
Date posted
Nov 22, 2022
Date updated
Nov 23, 2022