Nov 13 2023

Dr. Madhavi Murty: “Love in New Times: Gender, Nation and the Patriarch in the Hindi Cinematic Love Story, 1970-2014”

November 13, 2023

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


1700 SSB & Zoom


1200 W. Harrison St., Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60607

Promotional poster: Line drawings of a crowd of people, some alone, some mingling and embracing. Below that is a photo of Dr. Madhavi Murty, along with text describing the event, all on a peach- and rust-colored background.

Join us for a talk with Dr. Madhavi Murty about her recently published book, Stories that Bind: Political Economy and Culture in New India (Rutgers University Press, 2022)!

Dr. Murty will suggest that popular stories give form and coherence to authoritarian nationalism and neoliberalism in India through a narrative form, which she labels as spectacular realism. The narrative form of spectacular realism transforms the nation and capital into ostensibly irrefutable truths by narrating them as spectacles. Twined with the authenticity that is ideologically associated with the realism that centers the common person, these spectacles are narrated as familiar, intimate, and authentic. The book charts the constellation of four concepts, namely development, iconicity, the entrepreneur, and love. This talk will focus on the cinematic rendering of the love story in Hindi-language film from the 1970s to 2014 and argue that while the hegemonic story of heterosexual love works in the service of the nation, of a homogeneous community, and of patriarchy, the love song disruptively defines the emotion as poetic world-making.

Hosted by UIC Gender & Women's Studies and co-sponsored by Department of Communication, Global Asian Studies, Institute for the Humanities, Institute for the Humanities South Asia Reading Group, The Power Lab, and Women's Leadership and Resource Center.


Safety and Accessibility:

  • Masks are required for in-person attendees.
  • Building and suite accessibility info is available on our website.
  • Captions will be enabled on Zoom.

Date posted

Oct 25, 2023

Date updated

Oct 25, 2023


Dr. Madhavi Murty | Associate Professor, Feminist Studies | University of California, Santa Cruz

Dr. Madhavi Murty is an associate professor in the department of Feminist Studies, with an affiliation in Digital Arts and New Media and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research and teaching interests center on popular media, nationalism, globalization, feminisms, postcolonial theory, cultural theory, and modalities of difference such as race, caste, and gender. Her book, Stories that Bind: Political Economy and Culture in New India (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, May, 2022), focuses on the intertwined projects of Hindu nationalism and neoliberalism in India and their narration in popular culture and was awarded the International Communication Association's 2023 Outstanding Book Award.