Congratulations to our WLRC Tuition Award recipients!
Paola Castro Heading link

“Thank you for selecting me as one of the students to receive this award. What this tuition award means to me is an opportunity to have a peace of mind from this semester’s financial toll. It also represents faith that sometimes even adversities that set me apart as a woman can be used to overcome other obstacles in life. I am greatly appreciative to UIC and the Women’s Leadership & Resource Center.”
Farreh Qatanani Heading link

“As a daughter of parents who immigrated to this country, I have always struggled with my identity within a marginalized community, in addition to being a woman. The Women’s Leadership Resource Center (WLRC) Tuition Award is an honor, as it allows me to continue to pursue my goal of becoming a physician and conduct research without the additional stress of funding my educational goals. Currently I am working as an Emergency Medical Technician, conducting research on cells infected with herpes simplex virus (HSV), and tutoring students enrolled in introductory and general chemistry at UIC. My long-term goals include studying the social determinants of health and how they specifically affect marginalized groups, as well as providing care for underserved populations as a physician. I am very grateful for this generous WLRC award and aspire to continue to embody its legacy!”