What Does It Mean to Breathe
What Does It Mean to Breathe Heading link

by Dr. Natalie D.A. Bennett
April 3, 2020
What does it mean to breathe
When in this moment
To exchange breath is a danger, a weapon
We need hide our breath
Catch it before it escapes
So that others may breathe
So that their breath might not be stolen or suppressed
What does it mean to breathe together
What has it meant to breathe together
To sing
shout in protest
talk about big things
small things
unpack injustices
build theory
imagine new worlds through our collective breaths
We are being asked to forget that
Breath also signals life
And of dreams deferred
needs unmet
hope without fertile ground to plant in
Each breath that we take can nourish that soil
Into which we plant new
ways of being
understanding of
how to use our breath to nourish, energize, make whole
Breathe together
To make life.